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Biais de genre dans le laboratoire ...
- [Else2022] Else, Holly. 'Ignored and not appreciated': Women's research contributions often go unrecognized. Nature (2022).
- [Garcia2019] García-González, Judit, Patricia Forcén, and Maria Jimenez-Sanchez. Men and women differ in their perception of gender bias in research institutions. PloS one 14.12 (2019).
- [Hofstra2020] Hofstra, Bas, et al. The diversity–innovation paradox in science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117.17 (2020): 9284-9291.
- [Murgia2018] Murgia, Annalisa, and Barbara Poggio. Gender and precarious research careers. London: Routledge. (2018)
- [Regner2019] Isabelle Régner, Catherine Thinus-Blanc, Agnès Netter, Toni Schmader et Pascal Huguet. Committees with implicit biases promote fewer women when they do not believe gender bias exists, Nature Human Behaviour, 26 août 2019. DOI : 10.1038/s41562-019-0686-3……
- [Ross2022] Ross, Matthew B., et al. Women are credited less in science than men. Nature 608.7921 (2022): 135-145.
- [SheFigures]…
Pour encore plus d'études sur les biais dans les sciences ...
- [Cacouault2014] Cacouault-Bitaud Marlaine, Mosconi Nicole, Vouillot Françoise, « Autour du livre Sauvons les garçons ! de Jean-Louis Auduc. » Paris, Descartes & Cie, 2009, Travail, genre et sociétés, 2014/1 (n° 31), p. 141-144.
- [Carnes2015] Carnes, M. et al., 2015. Effect of an intervention to break the gender bias habit for faculty at one institution: a cluster randomized, controlled trial. Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 90(2), p.221.
- [Collet2004] Collet, Isabelle, « La disparition des filles dans les études d'informatique : les conséquences d'un changement de représentation », Carrefours de l'éducation 2004/1 (n° 17), p. 42-56.
- [Collet2019] Collet, Isabelle, et Françoise Vouillot. « Mixité scolaire : quels effets sur les parcours ? », Revue Projet, vol. 368, no. 1, 2019, pp. 47-59.
- [Dasgupta2017] Dasgupta, Nilanjana. STEMing the Tide: How Female Professors and Peers Can Encourage Young Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Distinguished Faculty Lecturer Series, Umass Amherst, 2017.
- [Dasgupta2015] Dasgupta, N. Role models and peers as a social vaccine to enhance women's self-concept in STEM. The American Society for Cell Biology. (2015)
- [Dasgupta2014] Dasgupta, N., & Stout, J. G. Girls and Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: STEMing the Tide and Broadening Participation in STEM Careers. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1(1), 21–29. (2014).
- [Demoulin2013] Hugues Demoulin and Céline Daniel, « Bulletins scolaires et orientation au prisme du genre », L'orientation scolaire et professionnelle [Online], 42/3, 2013.
- [Leslie2015] Leslie, S.-J., Cimpian, A., Meyer, M., & Freeland, E. Expectations of brilliance underlie gender distributions across academic disciplines. Science, 347(6219), 262–265. (2015).
- [Mangeard2007] Corinne Mangard et Ahmed Channouf, « Effets de l'appartenance socioculturelle, du sexe et de la filière de formation de l'élève sur la perception qu'ont les enseignants des causes et sur les décisions de l'orientation : approche socio-cognitive », L'orientation scolaire et professionnelle, 36/2, 2007, 223-250.
- [MEN2020]…
- [Monnot2009] Catherine Monnot, Petites filles d'aujourd'hui. L'apprentissage de la féminité. Autrement, « Mutations », 2009, 176 pages. ISBN : 9782746712294.
- [NSF] NSF. Why aren't more women involved in computer science?
- [Riegle2019] Riegle-Crumb, C., & Dasgupta, N. (in press). Inquiry-Based Instruction in Science and Mathematics Middle School Classrooms: Examining Its Impact on Students' Attitudes by Gender and Race/Ethnicity. AERA Open.